All natural blended ingredients
- Natural horticultural peat
- Composted animal manure
All natural blended ingredients
All natural blended ingredients Natural horticultural peat Composted animal manure Net Volume 40 Qts (44L)
Espoma Organic Potting Mix (4 qt.) This Organic Potting Mix contains a rich blend of only the finest
Miracle-Gro Potting Mix This potting mix provides a rich, all-in-one mix that feeds up to six months and grows plants twice as big. Size: 16 qt. UPC #: 032247568630
FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Potting Soil 12qt Your potted plants deserve the best. Their roots can't seek out nutrition in the ground, so you have to bring it to them. That's why Happy Frog® Potting Soil is...
FoxFarm® Ocean Forest® Potting Soil 12qtOur most popular potting soil, Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish...