Little Princess Spirea (Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' 1375.315) #3 15-18"
$24.99Description:A deservedly popular garden detail shrub with showy flat-topped clusters of bright pink flowers in early summer held above the foliage; forms a dense and tight mound, very attractive in groupings; needs full sun and well-drained...
Magic Carpet Spirea (Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' 1348.315) #3 15-18"
$29.99Description:A first rate garden detail shrub for color effect, with foliage emerging bright red fading to yellow in summer, turning deep red in fall, and showy flat-topped clusters of pink flowers in early summer; forms a dense, compact ball, neat and...
Goldmound Spirea (Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound' 1367.315) #3 15-18"
$29.99Description:An impressive garden shrub for color effect, featuring light gold foliage which emerges bronze, turning red in fall, and flat-topped clusters of pink flowers in early summer; ideal size for garden detail use, forms a dense, compact ball, neat...
Golden Privet (Ligustrum x vicaryi 1133.315) #3 15-18"
$34.99Description:A common pruned hedge and garden shrub, takes pruning exceptionally well; colorful yellow foliage all season long, an excellent color accent plant; easy to grow, handles pollution well but needs full sun for best colorOrnamental...
Annabelle Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' 1152.3) #3
$29.99Description:A hardy, showy shrub which features enormous ball-shaped white flower heads in mid summer, lasting for a long time; best if treated like a perennial and pruned to a few inches from the ground in spring, blooms on new growth; somewhat...
Miss Kim Lilac (Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' 1405.315) #3 15-18"
$37.99Description:A compact garden accent shrub featuring showy panicles of light lavender-pink flowers in spring and crinkled foliage; impressive fall color for a lilac; upright and dense, an ideal garden shrub alone or in groupings, fragrance is...